

We certainly didn’t invent it! It goes by many names. At the heart of it, it is the process of heating an enclosed space and sharing it with family and friends. It knows no borders, religions, or income levels. The “sauna”, as we call it, is the Finnish time-honored tradition that we are happy to keep alive and help bring to others.

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Fun for the whole family

In our modern and hectic times, it’s getting harder and harder for families to find time to disconnect from the outside world and reconnect with what’s truly important. The sauna is the ideal place to do just that— enjoy some quality time together. It’s truly a unique space and time for you & your family to leave all devices behind to embrace some uninterrupted time to talk, laugh and be yourselves.


Health Benefits

The health benefits of a sauna have been known for centuries. Until recently, however, there hasn’t been much hard data to show why heating up your core temperatures for short periods of time is so beneficial. That is quickly changing with many ongoing studies that show vast benefits for things such as your cardiovascular system, inflammation, overall lifespan, and many, many others. A fantastic resource to expand your knowledge on how and why the sauna is so good for your body is Dr. Rhonda Patrick and her website, Found My Fitness. She does a wonderfully in-depth job of diving into the science and the effects the sauna has on your body. Visit her website at the below link to learn more.